
Showing posts from August, 2018

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset for Kids Bibliography: ClassDojo Big Ideas . (2018). . Retrieved 18 August 2018, from

Constructivism vs Constructionism


Conditions for Classroom Technology Innovations

Why don't teachers innovate when they are given computers? OBSTACLES: -foreign and potentionally disruptive -standardised testing makes it difficult THE INNOVATOR 3 factors contribute heavily: tech proficiency, social awareness, pedogogical compatibility. Tech proficiency does not just mean being able to use the technology but understand the parameters that need to work to get the technology working. Connecting to Wifi, saving docs in drive, sharig via folders etc. The study found that background IT knowledge made or broke some of these projects. Pedogogical compatibility  Teachers that are more reflective and aware of their own pedagogical beliefs are more adaptbale and flexible.  The types of technology must align with teh teachers beliefs otherwise projects will end wihtout being seen through.  If the idea is that the technolgy can enahnce the learnign adn not just be a gimmic, then the results were great. If it was seen as just another method of del...

BES - School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Identifying what works and why. (MINDLAB Reading)

LEADERSHIP  Chapters: 1: purpose and overview 2: overview of needs for leadership, some statistics and challenges to progress 3: introduces the methods used to gather info; validity of testing etc 4 & 5: an analysis of the from the research of how leadership in schools directly relates to achievemen 6:analysis of the indirect results of school leadership on student achievement and community success 7: how does school leadership impact of home-school partnerships and lift achievement for educational underserved. 8: what knowledge, skills, dispositions do leaders need to engage in practices that have been proven to enhance achievement 9: how are NZ schools enabling this to happen? Professional learning resrouces aligning with each of the leadership dimensions to assist in the development of leadership in group or individual.  Chapter 8:  'How' leaders should go about gaining/doing these dimensions. -explain why and how to set goals (t...

How does Leadership meet up with the KC's, 21st Century skills and He Tikanga Whakaaro?

LEADERSHIP  LEADERSHIP AND THE KEY COMPETENCIES CLASS NOTES Use the Learning Activity Rubric reading to help you when you do your assingment. It is very useful.  How does Whakaaro relate to your practice? How do you show this in your practice: think of one situation.  Leadership: I am organised and expect my learners to be self managing in the way I run my class- Students are responsible for all levels of learning. Signing up for classes, getting their to do list done. Consistently collaboratively working on things and encouraging the students to collaborate (3 b4 me- an all tasks). He Tikanga Whakaaro Our Values Rangatiratanga (personal autonomy and leadership) Whakamana: empowering all learners to reach their highest potential by providing high-quality teaching and leadership. Whakawhanaungatanga (establishing relationships) Whanaungatanga: engaging in positive and collaborative relationships with our learners, their families and whanau, our colleag...