Conditions for Classroom Technology Innovations
Why don't teachers innovate when they are given computers?
-foreign and potentionally disruptive
-standardised testing makes it difficult
3 factors contribute heavily: tech proficiency, social awareness, pedogogical compatibility.
Tech proficiency does not just mean being able to use the technology but understand the parameters that need to work to get the technology working. Connecting to Wifi, saving docs in drive, sharig via folders etc.
The study found that background IT knowledge made or broke some of these projects.
Pedogogical compatibility
Teachers that are more reflective and aware of their own pedagogical beliefs are more adaptbale and flexible. The types of technology must align with teh teachers beliefs otherwise projects will end wihtout being seen through. If the idea is that the technolgy can enahnce the learnign adn not just be a gimmic, then the results were great. If it was seen as just another method of delivery/ recording it was not helpful.
Technology is the means to an end.
Infastructure needs to be imbedded in the school. If you have an exoert- they will always show you the way that you
dependence on others to help you.
follows the school culture- must align,
What do we need to worry about for our innovation plan
-School budget
-Surveying staff
-Student voice/ community voices
-Companies with resources that are N4L (Firewall settings)
-How to implement
-access to netwok
-training for staff
-policies in place
-kids are up to date with kawa of care etc?
-reflective of past practice
-social awareness (dynamics of classroom and school- knew how to find information from other staff)
(keep in mind the resources available, don't be greedy for tech)
-needs to continue interact with admin and tech crew
-needs to believe in what they are doing otherwise if it gets hard they'll give up
-must enhance the learning- not just replace for what was already there
-technology is not the end product, what new thing can we do with tech that wasn't available before
-must have a clear vision so that is easier to keep things in mind as you go and refer back to the idea
-do the kids support it, is it something they can see themselves doing
-must be similar in terms of values presented,
-does it work towards your schools ethos
- is it simple or super complicated? is it actually achievable?
-needs to be less dependent on people from outside the classroom, even less dependent on the teacher. an independent.
-can they do it with what they have, skills, knowledge, technology.
-sell it first
content knowledge- what?
pedagogical- how?
technological- its the partner, how can we support the strategies
think about the tools last, begin with the content.
Use TACK first and then use SAMR to enhance the learning.
-foreign and potentionally disruptive
-standardised testing makes it difficult
3 factors contribute heavily: tech proficiency, social awareness, pedogogical compatibility.
Tech proficiency does not just mean being able to use the technology but understand the parameters that need to work to get the technology working. Connecting to Wifi, saving docs in drive, sharig via folders etc.
Pedogogical compatibility
Teachers that are more reflective and aware of their own pedagogical beliefs are more adaptbale and flexible. The types of technology must align with teh teachers beliefs otherwise projects will end wihtout being seen through. If the idea is that the technolgy can enahnce the learnign adn not just be a gimmic, then the results were great. If it was seen as just another method of delivery/ recording it was not helpful.
Technology is the means to an end.
Infastructure needs to be imbedded in the school. If you have an exoert- they will always show you the way that you
dependence on others to help you.
follows the school culture- must align,
What do we need to worry about for our innovation plan
-School budget
-Surveying staff
-Student voice/ community voices
-Companies with resources that are N4L (Firewall settings)
-How to implement
-access to netwok
-training for staff
-policies in place
-kids are up to date with kawa of care etc?
-reflective of past practice
-social awareness (dynamics of classroom and school- knew how to find information from other staff)
(keep in mind the resources available, don't be greedy for tech)
-needs to continue interact with admin and tech crew
-needs to believe in what they are doing otherwise if it gets hard they'll give up
-must enhance the learning- not just replace for what was already there
-technology is not the end product, what new thing can we do with tech that wasn't available before
-must have a clear vision so that is easier to keep things in mind as you go and refer back to the idea
-do the kids support it, is it something they can see themselves doing
-must be similar in terms of values presented,
-does it work towards your schools ethos
- is it simple or super complicated? is it actually achievable?
-needs to be less dependent on people from outside the classroom, even less dependent on the teacher. an independent.
-can they do it with what they have, skills, knowledge, technology.
-sell it first
content knowledge- what?
pedagogical- how?
technological- its the partner, how can we support the strategies
think about the tools last, begin with the content.
Use TACK first and then use SAMR to enhance the learning.
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