Teaching Writing with Gail Loane

Think about it from the child's point of view.  They are the heart of the matter.

Read Disobedient Teaching for real! Don't just skim read.

Change is uncomfortable.  You will need to do it and it's not gonna be nice.
How are these students reflected in the classroom? How does it work in your classroom? Do they have something to jot down stuff in?
Do my kids keep a diary? Do i expect them to make a to do list? They have a must do list...


Sylivia Ashton Warner: check her out. "Teacher"
Joseph Pearce: The magical child  mach 2:    Nathan Mikaere Wallis: Follow the blueprint
Elwyn Richardson: In the early world.    ( what we watched in Uni)
Making writing living work (easy to work)  Lucy Caulkins
Lessons that change writers: Nancie Atwell
Jeff Anderson.
  student agency book.

What is my philosophy? Why? Go back to this. 
Key vocabulary....

Are my beliefs useful?   
Talk: what do you know about MAtariki?
Why are we writing about things they are learning?

Writing is one of the expressive arts!Dance, drama, art, music, writing. 

sketching is important: not a picture plan...  let them finish it.

Qualities of a memior- get back to the the books.

Read I'v got something to say again.  what are the qualities of the memoir instead of 5W's. ditch the 5W's....  Tell some stories.  tell stories (I already know the kids absolutely love it!) Joe Harawira is a great storyteller. Show the kids so they can tell stories.

The three things we need to know:
our students
how to teach
something about writing

Conversatoinal tone... converse, ask them what it looks like. don't ask them to say describing words, ask them to tell me what is about.. No write or wrong.

Specific vocab: the best word to do the job. 
The effect of the language is emotive, not the words 
Look and notice, what do we see. We will learn to see and write. Just look around. (maybe we can use google map view etc.)
We are learning from other authors- other authors are our teachers. (this helps students expect something from our writing)

SC: did this writing get a response? shock, anger, etc. 

Argumentative statement

Make sure the kids can just use the skills across genres. Don't get stuck in one.

Guiding questions: why are my kids dependent on me to know what to write. Let it go, Is this a personal message? No!! Why am I turning writing into my story instead?

What are their writing territories? this sets the tone for a year of personal, purposeful writing.
memior and poetry: let's look at it.
Teach grammar to create not to correct.

wRiting is just about what you did. What do you think? What do you wonder? What do you want?

Experience--> impression --> expression

Interesting things from our community- let's talk to our community. 

not learn to write a simile.... what does it remind you of?   Just use their imagination. Don't kill their creativity! 

How do we teach skills and language features intergrated into their lesson:

Cohesion: those words talk to eachother. they fit together. 

Rhythm it's the secret to a sentence. 

Use the leaf to write:

You can guide them, 
what kind of, 

What do you notice?
What is it about- mark up the main idea
squiggle under what it does

Guided writing:

The curl hugs the stalk

the brown blankets the leaf

the stalk stands

Give the Sc after, don't give it before- what do they need and co construct the SC.

Did this writing meet he purpose? (Critical thinking)

Evidence of draft books:
-enough different purposes
-teacher presence (specific feedback and fedforward)
 -models in students book. with anecdotal notes)

Why and how is reciprocal reading good for our learning?
What is it used for?

Leave the kids to do the looking and they will come up with the language,
The dangling participle...

The human condition:
use it to do their writing. 

So what?  Next Steps:
1:get into writing memoirs, things from their perspective, Matariki, use how they celebrate Matariki and a compare/contrast of the ways others celebrate. 

2:Use models more!!!  All the time, poems and creative writing more.  

3: Read disobedient teaching with Lynda, chapter share. Share notes back.


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