How does Leadership meet up with the KC's, 21st Century skills and He Tikanga Whakaaro?




Use the Learning Activity Rubric reading to help you when you do your assingment. It is very useful. 

How does Whakaaro relate to your practice? How do you show this in your practice: think of one situation.  Leadership: I am organised and expect my learners to be self managing in the way I run my class- Students are responsible for all levels of learning. Signing up for classes, getting their to do list done.

Consistently collaboratively working on things and encouraging the students to collaborate (3 b4 me- an all tasks).
He Tikanga WhakaaroOur Values
Rangatiratanga (personal autonomy and leadership)Whakamana: empowering all learners to reach their highest potential by providing high-quality teaching and leadership.
Whakawhanaungatanga (establishing relationships)Whanaungatanga: engaging in positive and collaborative relationships with our learners, their families and whanau, our colleagues and the wider community
Manaakitanga (a context of caring relationships)Manaakitanga: creating a welcoming, caring and creative learning environment that treats everyone with respect and dignity.
Whaiwāhitanga (engagement and participation).Pono: showing integrity by acting in ways that are fair, honest, ethical and just.
Hokia nga whakaaro ki 
Task: 3 things you can improve:
What should I work on in terms of the 21st Century skills:


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