Observation of LI and SC
I planned to be observed for a lesson and then I decided to have an assessment in that time instead, as the kids were ready. The lesson I ended up doing for observation was a revision of how to show probability as a fraction and then also put that fraction on a single number line. The students could already do it but they needed to be able to explain how they worked it out. I decided the best way for my kids to do this as revision would be build me a SC to tell me what is happening in their brains. For instance: the chance of rolling a number under 3 on a dice of 6 would be: 2/6. Show me on whiteboards and then help me write the SC as a do some more. My reflection of the lesson was: it was great the kids were familiar with the making the fraction but I should have given them some more vocab to talk about the numerator some more. We are great at denominator talk, but without this language, it makes it hard for them to say what the numerator is doing....