Pupil free Day 2024 Version 9 of the curriculum. Maths and Reading.

 Pupil Free Day notes

Day 1: 

1:Use the new reading portal made by the DoE

It is based around the Science of Reading, but so is the ADSS reading framework, so I am already on the right track. 

2:There is also a new classroom management hub that is there to help purely with classroom management. 

3:There is a new Education Futures Institute run by the DoE, which includes many programs that you can take.  Short course catalogue is here, but you need to log into oneportal. 
There are some short courses that I could do in management/ mentoring. 

Maths Curriculum Version 9

Peter sullivan has written a book that I should look at which will help with Maths teaching and aligns to the curriuclum. 

Important key ideas;
do something that isn't already known. 
reasoning in key 
students do the heavy lifting. 

I can do this in Number talks by using the sentence frame
"I know this becasue..."
when they give an answer. 
Don't forget to keep doing 
WHERE IS My mistake?

Look at Aitsl, there are videos on good practice there. 


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