NOEII Symposium: Mindset matters

What is happening:

Read: Educating Ruby (everybodies talking about it)

Kath Murdoch's name comes up a lot- already read the book, yay!

Thoughts to continue looking into:

Where are the questions in my class? Am I asking questions? Am I modelling questioning effectively? As a school the journey is just beginning- must be patient in terms of culture shift. 

I must slow down and understand the curriculum before I can use that knowledge to stretch my practice in AU with inquiry.  If my inquiry practice exceeds that of my environment but my school exceeds me in heaps of other areas, how do I puch for change but also learn at the same time?Is being patient important here. Must I let my values relax for a while, while I learn?  I have no room to wriggle in terms of lesson design (do I ) but am I even ready to wriggle?

If we plan as a team 1 week ahead we are still collaborative but also we have time to shift our own work to be closer to what the students wonder. 

I have lost my visible thinking (modelling think alouds etc) because I am growing in 'new' curriculum content and things to remember. Is this OK right now? MY teaching practice is suffering because I am new. :( Am I too hard on myself?

Why isn't reading and writing a by-product of the learning? Still, focused on the skills and needs but cross-curricular instead?  

What are some books for Juniors that promote or discuss metacognitive processes? Can I find some?

Am I teaching the WHY? I don't feel like I am, I feel as though I am just delivering content. I need to have the planning before the night before.... The big picture is missing because I am just delivering content at the moment. (maybe walk before I run?)

Keep co-constructing SC. This is good. ASking what they notice works etc. 

Notice, think & wonder is a great strategy I already have. I can use it. 

Is my 3rd teacher just background noise for everyone? check with the kids.

Splitscreen comes up very often- I'v seen it but I don't remember it. FIND OUT MORE...

Next steps:

-Curriculum knowledge

-share videos of yr 6 metacognitive and inquiry learning and teaching with Ashley

Is my 3rd teacher just background noise for everyone? check with the kids.

Research: Splitscreen 

YR 1 IDEAS for metacognitive and Inquiring minds:

-add an individual noticing wall, with questions and noticing about learning and self

-teaching asking q's about things that are ON TOPIC.

-next steps for writing: go backwards, you do, we do, I do... come to the teacher with your next steps for writing

-use talking frames for discussion, hands up is so pointless, no one is talking to each other, just me. 

classroom design: where do the students listen better? Not like to sit, but concentrate better. What works for them? 

Try Austin's butterfly. 


What am I already doing that works:

see 3 before me. 

waterfall roll - seeing themselves as a leanring community

discussing what we think before I help with explicit teaching/telling

what can I do next?:

talk about how many teachers in the classroom (24)

introduce talking frames to help discussions

teach them to disagree and argue a point or provide evidence for their thinking. 

Try Austin's butterfly. 

Video Booth in classroom for reflections on learning/assetts/ things I am proud of. 


PROVACATION --> sometimes causes disequilibrium, but in a fun way, making that shift in thinking easier (mixes stimuli with risk taking

good for getting the students to ask questions, make connections and think. 

Use explorify --> intellectual curiosity 

if you refer to PK from the provocation they can use this to reflect on how thinking changed at the end. 


  1. HI Sally, yes I think you are too hard on yourself! You have lots in your kitty and it sounds like you are already doing amazing. Shifting cultures and curriculums is not easy (I have first hand experience of it:). Your school is lucky to have you. Enjoy the journey.


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