Planning for Dialogic Talk in Science
What is your goal ?
What prompts am I using?
What strategies can I use to help achieve my goal?
Then.... think about this....
What prompts am I using?
What strategies can I use to help achieve my goal?
Then.... think about this....
Concentrate on structure and function to make it easy to focus on dialogic thinking.
Explorify: Odd one eye:
Discuss first--> then introduce focus.
"How are these the same? What structure do they all have.
remember to refer this back to themselves, perspective..... ooooooo!
Don't lead the students first,
Refer back to the learning from before. Give them something to fiddle with, give them lots of opportunities to talk.
Remembering that critique is to improve what I have done, I can think about how to get better.
(Not just decide who has done a good job. Do a gallery walk, look at others now go back and decide what you want to change?)
Find out where me practices are lacking from the NZCER data.
Look at explorify and decide on structure and functions things to do
What shifted thinking? Ask this question to help the students,
Use the template -->
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