Goal setting in Ruma Whā 2019

What happened?
We looked at our asttle reports and PAT reports to see what the tests say that we need to work on.
We matched the reports and the student learning goals,

(Which was hard because the language is different and a lot of them didn't understand what they meant. But through-out the year, as we looked at the goals and pulled them apart, they understood a lot more.)

Lessons were then matched to the rubric we looked at- the icons on the website matches the form as well for those students who struggled to read or the match what they needed to know next.  Lessons were done and SC were written straight onto the website so that we can go back and check our own work throughout the year, always being able to see how to achieve this and how it matches with the rubric.

The students signed up for lessons on a sheet of paper- I started by asking them to sign up for 2 workshops for literacy and 2 for maths. THIS WAS TOO MUCH, so later on we changed it down to 1 for reading, 1 for writing and 1 for maths for the week. This worked well.

The students who didn't know what to sign up for or who were far below, I told them their workshop to sign up for and I gave a remedial reading lesson and a remedial maths lesson at the start of each lesson. So that I could try and accelerate some learners without them getting lost in the lesson.

What was the result?
Students are asking for information on how to achieve their next steps n their reports. I am more able to work out next steps for students because the recording sheet is easier to look at when planning. 
Students are able to decide what they think their next steps should be, and work together to achieve them. More students are practicing things for homework. The idea that we are all working towards different goals has levelled out the way we can ask for help. It's not so scary because the focus is on next steps, not achieved or not achieved.

So What?
-Continue to look at goals with students
-make things match up easier- vocab similar,
-use the next steps/strengths list to record data and work out next steps for the following week.
Link up website with icons that match for all things in class- Maths, Science etc. That way we can make displays multi- levelled.


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