Empowering my students through individual goals setting.

During term 1 I conferenced with the students and we identified our goals based on asttle and PAT testing.  We identified our strengths and weaknesses using a preprepared sheet based on the school progressions and the identified steps in the tests.

Now that the students can identify their own next steps and tell me what they are I need to make it easier for them to choose lessons and activities that align with those steps.

Fro maths I can quite easily help them to identify the number knowledge ideas they need from their student profile sheet.  This would need to be identified each week for them though. Or I could go through and write a list of what activities could help them for each sheet. It would take time, but it would be a useful resource for the year to come.

Reading and writing I have sorted a sheet that they match with lesson- helping them to decide what session to sign up for.  The hard part is letting go of the process.  They can go through the process of writing independently now- most of them- I think perhaps I need to give them the freedom to finish something on their own. This week's task may be that.  Asking them to complete a piece of writing independently- using the writing process.  It could be a game of awesome task.  Then I can start giving them task and only pulling them for workshops.

The difficulty here is what to do with those students who cannot sort that out themselves. Setting goals is empowering for most students, but some of them still don't understand the goals. Or have the ability to stay on task.

Upon reflection of my TAI goal also- I need to remember to focus on my SC and give feedback and feedforward specifically towards these Sc.

Give them freedom to complete a writing piece this week. Using the process- and having a high expectation that they will complete a part each day- that way helping those students that can't stay on task, see their are consequences. Also ensuring they are all able to use the voice to type feature.

Identify number knowledge needs for the students and how to find that information on e-ako.  Also how to blog and share when they think they have met the criteria. This can be one day maths lesson.
A thing to complete each week- show evidence of number knowledge learning.

Reading- simply refer to goals and choose workshops.

Think hard about using SC for each lesson- co-constructed so the students can see why they are important and decide on what they are.

Continue using Sc as the base of my instruction. It was incredibly effective in Term 1- keep going. Don't get lost in all the other things and forget the basics.


  1. It's hard to let go for me too, especially if I have to report on their progress. Good luck!


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