
Showing posts from May, 2019

Rumaki Action Plan

Rumaki = Immersion The plan for Park Estate School: TEACHERS Beginning in a week, have rumaki for the fist 5 mins of morning tea everyday.  (starting with baby steps).  For those 5 mins we will have to try and ONLY use te reo. That means if we can't say it- we need to try and work out how. GOAL: To have everyone using some te reo in conversation during kai te wa at P.E.S.  Giving it a go being the focus. Not fluent or perfect, but to remove the fear of trying. REWARDS: There will be biscuits available during rumaki time in the staffroom. Once rumaki is over, the biscuits disappear- hopefully this will entice some attendance- f we need to extend it to 10 mins, great. RESOURCES :  I have already made some labels/ sentences I know we will be needing to start with, then soon we can add/change them as we get better.  I will also bring in the phrase book. BUY IN: Hopefully the staff at P.E.S value the identity and language of our Maori tamariki enoug...

We can use the SWIVL!- Also, WODB in Ruma Wha

Revitilisation of Te reo- Kura Whakarauora- Notes and lessons

It takes 1 generation to lose a language and 3 to get it back. The secret to revitalisation is intergenerational language use.  (As a school teacher, what is my role in this step?- to assist the students to be more comfortable to use and learn it- they might be generation number 1?) MY JOURNEY- Focus on yourself and build from there. Support system: teachers and students at school. 25 year goal: have my students confidently speaking bilingually. TE REO MEANS TO ME- future of the students identity marker toanga identity revival UNESCO standards for judging a languages level of use: all of them come out as close to extinction. The language will never be 'lost' because it is written down- but it will be extinct soon if we can't get more than 2% of Nz using it. Just Korero More, just use what we have: DO NOT WORRY ABOUT PARTICLES OR SCREWING UP- Just give it a go. 5 Key elements of Language Planning: 1:Value --> give it Mana, what is your group in to? How...

Empowering my students through individual goals setting.

During term 1 I conferenced with the students and we identified our goals based on asttle and PAT testing.  We identified our strengths and weaknesses using a preprepared sheet based on the school progressions and the identified steps in the tests. Now that the students can identify their own next steps and tell me what they are I need to make it easier for them to choose lessons and activities that align with those steps. Fro maths I can quite easily help them to identify the number knowledge ideas they need from their student profile sheet.  This would need to be identified each week for them though. Or I could go through and write a list of what activities could help them for each sheet. It would take time, but it would be a useful resource for the year to come. Reading and writing I have sorted a sheet that they match with lesson- helping them to decide what session to sign up for.  The hard part is letting go of the process.  They can go through the proce...