Practice Analysis Conversations Term 1 2019

referred to your writing from previously- would have been better if I had of focused on a particular piece of writing so that I could have used that to mention the types of information.

The model used was from this week, I thought that they would have read it by then already but they hadn't, needed to use something they were familiar with.  I made the contextual load high because they didn't know the paper. If I used the model that we used for their writing previously and planned information to add, it would have been easier to discuss the way of the revising and then could have used the model/ more effectively.  Showing them the types of information to add. I wish I had of made/ used an incomplete chart of conjunctions for this group and then added the last column later. This is where the differentiation would have really helped.

This kids got the how, which was great. But they didn't understand the why or when.

I am not going to be able to say later- go and add more information to your work to make it more interesting for the reader.

I need to practice pulling apart a model with this group and letting them discuss things with the higher students so they understand the why and when it is appropriate.

What was good:
I showed them in this model where it was, this conversation for these students would have been hard, but hearing in conversation from other students would have been better for their needs. A small group situation would have given this, we did do this in a shared reading with the whole class- these students are going to need.

I slowed the lesson way down to give us lots fo practice, which frustrated me, but it gave the students  lots of practice to do the task and time to hear others ideas.  I was impressed with the students interaction. Normally there is some shell shock with Michelle and Gretchen, but this time there was lots of discussion- I think the 'there is no right or wrong- just your opinions' is working to make them have a go. 


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