Mind Lab Flipped homework Week 2

20 C vs 21 C
Do we need the hangover from the industrial era?

Reflection on the difference between:
They needs differ because we can't see the future. Technology changes so quickly that we need to give the students the skills to find their own information.  We are wasting time by not collaborating- these skills will save us time.

We need some of each of the skills. Being on time- a 20h century skill, is necessary.  Knowing how to listen and remember- great skills. But not recall facts. you now need to be able to find the information. To identify what is needed and what can be discarded.

We need to be able to build new nueral pathways- we do need some of both, but not all.

Control needs to let go.
We need the broad understandings of the subject- not the formulas that make those up.  We need to be able to work out how to find things- understand hwo to problem solve, read the problems, find the issues that need to be solved- before they are problems.

Self reflection Key Competencies in my practice

Practice what you preach- the students will look to you to model things. Be a learner, take risks, collaborate. Get excited about learning, get excited about challenges. 

Do the students see me/ Do I:
  • Think:  I refer to the idea that I want the students to help me think about how soemthign is going/ whether I can adapt the lesson in some way and will make explicit the idea that I need to drastically cahnge something when it doesn't work.   I am constantly thinking about how to adapt my practice but have begun to limit it to one focus at a time.  I could make the process more explcicit though- this does not come with think alouds pre prepared. 
  • Using Language Symbols and Text:   I use these obviously- trying hard to use many different multi modal ways of transferring knowledge and ideas to the students. I could definitely reduce the amount I filter the information for the students. I try to use alternative texts in my practice but could make more of a habit of doing this.  I don't use many assistive technologies to communicate in te reo- as a focus I could try and do this.
  • Managing Self:   I am a leader more often than not. I need to be better at following- I am an active follower although I do ten to take over- always offering my own way of doin things and just assuming it is better. I am better at not pushing this on chidlren as I am grown up surprisingly. I think that my assumptions sometimes also come out as condesending. I am highly motivated though and have high expectations of myself- sometiems to my detrement as if I don't think I will succeed with incredible results- I will self sabotage by procrastinating. I am commiteed though. I need to be able to work out the baby steps to managing a prject though as I expect the students can do more than they know how to just yet. 
  • Relating to others:   Because of my high standards and thirst for being better, I often expect the same of others. Not fully giving the time to what they find important or accepting their way of doing things.  I need to remmeber that all people have differnt values and that this is Ok. Just becuase I value something does not make it important.   Being able to identify these before having a conversation or critticising soemone would help me greatly. Also- knowing how to follow. 
  • Participating and Contributing:   As the school sustainaibility leader as well as the lead teacher for sports co-ordination in a small school I do believe that I contribute but perhaps I don't let those things create opportunites for others to contribute. We are a small school and I could very well motivate others to assist me in my role. Delegation in areas that they find interesting may be useful. 

They reflect
on their own learning, draw on personal knowledge and intuitions, ask questions, and challenge the basis of
assumptions and perceptions.


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