Combination Noodles

Here is it starting to take shape in my practice.
As you can see, this is my reading planning.
Weeks 7 & 8

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

  • interpreting illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs.
  • understand how they select from and use their repertoire of comprehension strategies, which include:
–  locating and summarising ideas  by skimming or scanning,
- drawing on several related items of information in order to infer ideas and information that are not directly stated in the text
  • reflect on writers’ purposes and on the ways in which writers use language and ideas to suit their purposes (e.g., by using confirming ideas to support them).
  • finding and learning the meanings of unknown vocabulary by using strategies such as applying their knowledge of how words work or seeking explanations in the text or in illustrations;
  • reflect on writers’ purposes
  • locating and summarising ideas  by skimming or scanning,
Think aloud:
what do I want to get out of this text?
Does it seem to fit that purpose?

Look at selection of books. Decide what will help us and why.

Skim and scan, make decisions about the type of thing this text is giving me.

Ask myself:
What do I want to get out of this text?
Does it seem to fit that purpose?

Make decisions about whether we need to go further to look for more information.

Choose a text and record your choice on the must dos.

  • understand how they select from and use their repertoire of comprehension strategies, which include:
  • finding and learning the meanings of unknown vocabulary by using strategies such as applying their knowledge of how words work or seeking explanations in the text or in illustrations;
Whole class guided recipricol reading through text.    Predicitons as a whole class (split into groups- then go off and read, tick off you name when done. Leader works with Sally to see all groups).

Follow up activity: create a group brainstorm of what ideas you got from the text. Add your summary to the bottom.

  • reflect on writers’ purposes and on the ways in which writers use language and ideas to suit their purposes (e.g., by using confirming ideas to support them).
  • - drawing on information in order to infer ideas and information that are not directly stated in the text
Think aloud:
What does the author value? How can you tell?

“What would I say what is being said here if I were the author?”

Do you agree with what the author says? Find evidene to support your answer
What does the author think is important? How can you tell? What are the clues in the text that tell you that?
Put yourself in the author’s place, what is the main idea they are trying to get across?
What are the arguments here?

What are they phrases that the author uses? List any emotive vocab we can find in the text.  Create a model from each text- persuasive
(add this to the modelling book online?)

If you were the author, how would you summarise this text?

Do you Agree/disagree?  Why?

- drawing on several related items of information in order to infer ideas and information that are not directly stated in the text
  • reflect on writers’ purposes and on the ways in which writers use language and ideas to suit their purposes (e.g., by using confirming ideas to support them).
  • interpreting illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts, and graphs.
Think aloud:
  • Note if there are gaps or inconsistencies or flaws in the logic
  • Use prior knowledge to answer-“What do I think about this? Do I agree? Do I have a different view?”
Look at conflicting arguments. What is the author saying here? How can you tell? Are they areeing with out author or disagreeing? Who do we believe? How do we decide?
What other information is needed? Why?
(ask questions)
Do you Agree/disagree?  Why?
Can we find some other information to back up this?

 Using the Bloom's/Duffy ideas to help boost my think-a-louds.  The progressions to help me focus my teaching, using questioning as my main DAT to encourage thought, no teacher talk, the argumentation questions to help create critical dialogic learning. I have started front loading them with information about recycling because we have 4 new bins in our room and someone has asked me why bother recycle. It's not a very good 'guiding question' (Inquiry) yet. But it's the beginning.

I didn't continue with my Kauri writing because I realised the students didn't know enough about Kauri dieback and the idea was very foreign. The reading materials and videos I found were all too complex as well. Instead of creating teacher made materials I thought I would use something that has peaked some questions in class and that we need to do and that has more materials. At this stage I don't want to make it harder for myself.

My argumentation board has actually become my reading planning page for the next fortnight as well.  It has everything it needs, information in an array of modes and levels, as well as conflicting information that can be drawn upon.  It doesn't have a strong opposing side, but it's the beginning of change. (Not something extra to do as well as everything else).

UDL is covered in that they are able to access information from the soources they choose, and then show their learning with an end product of their choice also.  You may notice the students are also able to choose  their text. This will be based around the first lesson (Monday below) where we will decide what our purpose for reading is and what the students feel will be most useful.   We can reflect on this at the other end of reading.   This is not just teaching evaluation based on ideas but also on whether they can access it.

I also used the ideas from the Growing from  Strong Foundations Hui. This was inspirational and it really gave the guts to put it all together properly.  It was pivotal in the How as well as makng me feel as though I had permission to jump in the deep end. I didn't fully understand the repercussions on teaching that National Standard has because I wasn't around before them. But now that they are gone, I am so excited to be teaching.

What have I learned?  The planning process was so much more organic.  I was able to think about an authentic context, and our writing will come from this. The students will be able to choose the way they demonstrate their learning at the end with.
I am going to need to intergrate my curriculum areas to meet the needs of the learning fully.

The ideas that I want them to display along the way helps me to shape their follow up activities. (I know this seems obvious) but everything just seems more relevant all of a sudden. For maths I can ask them to chart our rubbish and it is no longer an activity to do to teach maths, but a relevant thing we need to undertake to see what is the most useful type of information for the other students in the school.

Next steps: Keep going. Don't add anything new for a while, just keep improving this process.   Use this template/ ideas to work towards term 3.   Go slow and do it properly.  


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