UDL and technology

Same teacher that helped me with critical

3 principles:

This includes the steps that they take to produce the work. Think about the actions they need to take to get us there.

When designing tasks: separate the ideas, give visuals that are relevant. use audio, make it rewindable.
Don't retro fit. Don't adapt what you are doing already. ....

Design from the edges instead of the middle.  That way it will meet them all.  It's a bit like multi-model.  Let them choose from the options.
Use these to connect to the curriculum...

How to differentiate the learning for my learners, they don't have the life experience.  think about giving them the life experience and letting the students experience the things we are doing.
What preloading experience am I giving my students?

What do you need to effectively do UDL? KNOW YOUR STUDENTS!!
Check out these learner maps so you can

Choose storybird because the art work helps motivate...

Use Unsplash to find images to develop the creative commons/plagiarism.

Next steps:
I need to go back to school and share this with everyone in a way that is easy for everyone to understand. Practice my UDL.  There is a slide show with great resources to use and look at.   This will also help consolidate my learning as well.


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