Science PD with Susan

Today I did a lesson that Susan had already given us to teach. I was going to try and modify it but I decided starting with the basics and working from there was a good idea.

My plan was this:

-WAL about how scientists communicate using diagrams.
-Develop our research and note taking skills.
  • Communicating in science

1:New double page
Date and underline
Me & N, Th, W.

2: Draw an ant, label anything you know. TPS.
Did you learn from each other already?

3: Look at diagrams of ant and add some things to yours. Feel free to do a second drawing if you wish, or add to he one you have already.
(Mention Austin’s butterfly- not first try.)

What did we notice, think or wonder from these pics?

4: Watch the videos and look for the any answers to your questions on notice, think or wonder page.

Collect information to help answer questions.

I decided it was really important to make sure I didn't add more notes than I mornally would either. Go with what I would do everyday (without someone watching) to ensure it was an authentic lesson, the way I would do it.

It went pretty well, although there are some next steps for me.

Sharing ideas with the class. I am putting a lot of pressure on the students to share their ideas with the group. This is taking the importance of the learning away form the lesson and putting it onto the sharing of ideas. I need to make it less confronting so that they can focus on their science learning instead.

I am going to start using the group share and one person report back method more often.

When I am thinking about critical thinking I need to think more about what is useful. I am teaching the students to be less trustful of everything on the internet but I am neglecting the selection of ideas.

Susan also pointed out that vocab I missed using. I know I do focus on vocab but it just shows that with expereince I will pick up more and more.

Something I am doing well: not giving the students any answers, but saying we will find out together.

Here is the thinking model I did on the board:

And  here is some work from two of my target students

This work was minimal in writing but the oral language I got was incredible. He hates videos but loves powtoon.... I wonder what would happen if I gave him the opportunity to transform his knowledge into powtoon next?

And some from another few boys who have trouble staying on task..

So it shows me that giving these boys more time to get thinking on paper they will be far more engaged. 


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