TAI: Inquiry Learning.

Focus Inquiry:
I have chosen 3 disengaged boys in my class to focus my inquiry on. My evidence says:
These gentlemen choose to do the bare minimum in most projects and do not see the need to learn lots of things we do in school. We are focusing our Inquiries on Science currently and I think this will be a great place for me to start to make change that can filter into my other subjects.

All three of these boys really dislike working on things they think are not useful. They all hate talking in videos that are put online. I have asked them how they would like to present their work and they chose powtoon.  I wanted to see if they could make a decent powtoon in a short amount of time so, asked them to begin by just showing me they could do that. They completed a powtoon quite quickly and were eager to show it to me. They have all expressed interest in being able to choose some things we look into. They are all very adept at technology have have given me very detailed and articulate responses regarding things they are interested in.

My hunch is that if I can use the Inquiry learning approach better in the classroom thtan all my students will be more engaged and see the relevance and need for what we need to learn.


Leaner agency at Learner agency at Hobsonville Point Secondary School.
Focusing on learning to learn. Discuss more about how to learn.   Talks a lot about of Inquiry learning.
Begin by asking the students what they needs to

Need to learn more about Inquiry.

How to ask the right questions.

So far… have moved reading towards what the kids context, what can I do to change the learning design.
Share the learning outcomes.

Dive into Inquiry
What if students designed their own schools

Next steps:

To begin I need the students to understand the requirements of the Level 3 Science curriculum. In order to design our own curriculum.  Once I have put them into child speak I can then move onto designing the 'Must do's' based in science for their independent projects.   
There is a series of 4 lessons that I want to give before the end of term to get hem ready for what comes next. 

I also need to build trust in my classroom so that they know their voice will be valuable WE already have discussions without hands up, so this will be more useful, and in Science Susan is already ensuring students are standing and speaking- I must continue this. The next step here is to give them the opportunity t develop some teaching rules. What I will be doing as a teacher to help them. I will preload this by asking them to develop a teacher Matrix for me. 


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