Science PD with Susan Heeps: Meeting/reflection on lesson March 13th

'When we notice things we automatically connect with out prior knowledge' 

Susan Heeps, 2017

Observing our environment

1: Lay under tree and look/listen
2: write down anything we saw-no talking- just what is in your head
3: share what you wrote
4: draw a leaf
5: find one that is different in 2/3 ways
6: why is it different? Describe with your group.
7: why do you think it looks like that? what is the purpose of.. leaf shape, structure etc.

Follow on: 
-leaf rubbings
-laminate different leaves and look over time, what is the patter?
-leaf detective, (teacher take photos and students find the place where the leaves are, higher grades, 'why do you think that leaf grows there? shape? colour etc)
-cut leaf sideways, look at the structure
-pummel in mortar and pestle, get colour out with metho.

Ice +3 activity 

Blue ice cube, yellow ice cube and oil, water, or air.

When recording we make a big deal about date because we are collecting data.
Experience because an experiment needs a result.
The drawing is representative, a model.
different perspectives is important, think outside of the box when using senses.

What is the big idea in all of these. (change)   Look at Science and SOS curriculum.


Q's about introducing peer review as a great purpose for documenting our findings and writing.

Let the students experience accountable talk before introducing peer review. Less threatening, need to have practice discussing.  
Already doing agree/disagree and why. 🙋YAY!
Need to visit each other's work and talk about what we see. What speaks to us. Doesn't have to always be right/wrong.  Agree/disagree promotes evidence backed thinking without right/wrong. 
Discussion is good, doesn't always have to be recorded/written/video'd. It still happened. 

Next Steps:
Do reading and fill out Padlet with ponderings.


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