Developing Practice through the Spiral of Inquiry

As part of our teaching as Inquiry, Michelle has put together some great questions and pieces of information. I found lots of this very useful, so will be using a lot of it here now and in the future. This blog will form the basis of many of my Inquiries to come I believe- until these questions and focuses become more natural.

Adaptive expertise is all about taking responsibility for further learning in order to better meet the needs of your learners.  It makes sense that these are your most difficult to move in order to better reach all learners.   It must be the way we are. 
I would argue I am reflective, but need to be more metacognitive and base my hunches on focused evidence. Thinking more about why I am doing things and how they are helping. 

Another idea that really stood out for me was the professional conversation. The next video on professional conversations looks into the structure of these and the resources that are brought to these meetings. Something I can consider is what resources do I bring to my professional meetings in terms of readings and data, in order to learn. Also, thinking about metacognition for students, what structures are in place for those professional conversations? How do I use the structure to promote their learning? Are they able to articulate the learning by structuring the conversations in ways that are repetitive and explicit?

Types of Evidence we can use to help our inquiry can include:

Before our next meeting I need to:
find out


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