Science PD 2. Observation of Susan Heeps in Room 3

Susan took a lesson in my class, demonstrating an effective Science lesson.  The things I noticed were:
-she introduced all knew CONCEPTS by relating them to her life or things students would understand. REALLY using their prior knowledge as the first port of call. Not talking about something and then relating it.  So they already had the building blocks assembled ready to go. 

She explained every single new piece of vocab- using the same method of breaking up words that we are doing (yay!).

Used the "I notice, I think, I wonder"  model, which will become the "I predict, observe explain.." when it gets more sophisticated. This is also the SC so it becomes how we measure our success everytime. It is also good for students because you can't predict without experience. 

-she is messy, which is great. I am very clean- that's my way, but perhaps I put too much emphasis on staying clean sometimes. I have habits from before, but I need to remember it's not a food safe zone, we can make a mess- then clean up. Even a wet, sticky, powdery mess...

- the students are encouraged to use a me page- it's whatever they want. What they see, think, want to know more about. Anything. these are the authentic notes. The stuff they really observe or peak their interest.  This is where the real learning will happen and how to find out where to go next based on what they are into. This also gives them agency of their learning. 

-the students are encouraged to discuss findings and compare notes,  if they don't have matching opinions, testing is encouraged again. This mimics the real life peer review system. 

Where to from here: continue to connect to prior knowledge, but focus more on relating to their own lives first- then meeting it with new info. Less: what do you know about x and more tell a story and then discuss the link and the new info. 

This was followed by a meeting that involved sharing our reflections and getting some input from Susan about what we noticed. 

Other thoughts included:
Communicating about Science will be our indicator about progress, it is our NOS strand. 
Excellent guiding questions are 

Why do you think that?How do you know that?  

because it links back to their prior knowledge. Collaboration gives them the support to talk about things. If need be, some of them are just listening, but others are perhaps writing. 

It doesn't matter if it takes too long or it gets screwed up. The thing that matters most is the child's experience. 
The Roger Hanlon video that I thought the kids would not get anything from, Susan explained that it shows the practice of a scientist. I didn't think about this, but it's important. 

There are also some other experiences we can try soon that are easy at any level (low floor, high ceiling).  

I'm going to try one in the next 2 weeks and we are going to:
-notice think wonder
-discuss all vocab
-make a mess
-talk about concepts that we learn about in terms of real kid life, THEN make the connection.
-record data as a group and then share


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