ESOL Oral Language Activity

Working with Aldia, who is currently studying the ELL course outside school, has been beneficial in terms of ideas to implement in class for our EL learners but without an observation it is obviously hard to fully understand what has been explained.

There are a few strategies and 'games' that she has discussed with us. One being the 'Say it' game.

She came and taught the lesson in my class.

Step 1:
Introduce the vocab. She did this by discussing it as a group (though it would be much better introducing it in context before the lesson if possible. 

After the explanation she went on to let the students as each other:
Name, I want you to answer A2. Then read the square.  Then they answer, very simple.  And the 'answerer' chooses the next person and the square.

What I learned from this. 
Alida's explanation was very simple. Not too many words, very clear. The students found it very easy to follow because of this.

She explained to me also when planning the activity that it can be about sentence structure more than anything else if need be. It doesn't even need to have new vocab in it. Just what the students need.  It seems such a simple idea but not one I had thought about myself.  Because the activity will model structure, they will be practicing the correct structure out loud. Something they miss now they mostly read in their heads.

The discussion of the words quickly beforehand as a class gave the groups ideas about the words that they may not have been able to generate together first.

Introduce/find the vocab in context. This will help me determine the words they know or help the students build their knowledge of the word receptively before productively.  I can record these words and use them in the oral language activities the following day. 
Because of the nature of the activity, it having a set structure and being quiet fast, I could use it as an after lunch activity to get them focused on learning. Or a morning activity to get them talking. Sometimes especially hard for those ELL students to find their voice. 
I plan to practice this after morning tea 4 days a week and continue to adjust it as our vocab needs change.


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