Inquiry Learning, Lending a Hand and Saving the Planet.

As part of our Learning as Inquiry topic Sustainability,  The students looked into what action they could take as part of our community to help be more sustainable. Their 2 main ideas were, plant some trees and help by growing more plants/ food.

The students wrote to our principal and asked for permission to go on a field trip and also if she could help with some materials.

Luckily, I heard there was a planting day coming up on the weekend. With this is mind, I contacted
Sustainable Coastlines and arranged the for them to go and plant some trees in Drury, close to a new subdivision where the water-ways will suffer.  We made it on a Friday though so that they could attend in school time.

This was such a successful day. We planted in excess of 200 trees and the kids were all so happy and into it. It was a really encouraging thing to see, especially after a few morning comments of how 'dumb' this was going to be. :)

Matrix was keen to go back and do more on the weekend too!

One of the parts that really stood out to be was the link to Moari tradition that played out during the day. Before each plant was inserted into the ground the students were asked to introduce themselves to the plant and then wish it well for it's life here on the riverbank.  It is not something I had thought of doing but I wish it was because it really brings through the value that Maori have for the earth and the oneness of everything. I was glad it was introduced and I encouraged it through out the day. I wished a few plants a happy life that day, although I stuck mainly to digging holes (that was the hardest part).


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