Google Apps For Education

This year I got to go to a google Apps for education summit. I learned quite a few things. A large portion of it wasn't new too, which I think just helped me to actually remember the things I did need to learn.

Here is what I learned at the Summit:

 HOT TIP: all pics are linked.

DAY 1:

Introductory chat

Am I really giving my students opportunities to meet the Key Competencies?
Are they receiving the tools and the explicit skills they need to learn them?
Use design thinking to help them see where to go.

Have I equipped my students to talk to each other?
After the summit, I went back to school and decided that we don't need to put up our hands anymore. When in real life does that happen? So we have started the discussion technique 'Can I add to that?'
Helping to equip my kids for the REAL WORLD.

A-Z of lesser known Googley Tools

This was epic the ones I love are, obviously, the ones with love hearts.


(Why teach Failure)

This was an intersesting lecture of why we should teach as we do in primary schools in NZ. WHich was great. With a feedback feedforward appraoch. It affirmed a lot of things we do in the NZ schooling system (the talk was given by a guy from America and in secondary schools)
But I did start to think about the mindset of my students and how I can really push for change. Am I giving them chances to succeed by giving them the SC often enough. Am I giving them enough choice as well. The guy talked about Inquiry Learning also, I may have bought his book. 

DAY 2:

Student Led Learning

We gathered some useful tools for student led learning and also discussed how the use of slideshow templates in great in the classroom to help scaffold students to do what they need to do with the teachers help. Giving them extra independence.   I think that the addition of videos (rewindable learning) is the key here- to demonstrate, not just explain. 

Collaborative Reo

I went to a collaborative Reo Papamahi and we worked on using interactive tools to help the kids learn Te Reo.  There were some pretty useful links that we found for in and out of the classroom. 

KMK Events are organised meetings for people wanting to brush up on their Reo skills. You don't have to be an expert or even know anything yet. Just be interested. Get along, word on the street is they are very supportive events. 

Kupu o te Ra: Word of the Day

A whole website dedicated to nga waiata. Great for us Aussies that didn't grow up singing waiata in school.

Google Forms 

I got some really useful Flubaroo tips to help get the best out of my google forms. As an assessment this is very useful. I found out that I could then also automatically send the results bak to the students so they could work out what they need to improve on also. I will be using this to do my pre and post self-assessments this term. I love automatically collated data! 

Digital Citizenship

How do I know if what I am reading is true?   There was a secondary/tertiary aimed session on digital citizenship as well which I thought would give some insight into the aims I have for myself and the students considering their online footprint. We download music and use pictures of the internet on our websites/ in our docs. But do we really have permission? Are we breaking the law? These questions and more are answered in this papamahi slide. As well as helping with the question: 

And... no idea where I got this from but it might help someone...

Bee Line Reader


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