Contributions to the Learning of Others 2024 PFD
Whole School Teams Transfer Our school is transferring from a one-drive, onenote, gdrive, combo, outlook, (which is a bit messy) to a Teams one stop shop for all communication and collaborative work. As I have done work on this before, I have joined the Digital Innovation Team and will be heading the transfer along with my other digital native colleagues. To assist with this process we have created a slideshow to help navigate the transition. I wil include the layout without the slideshow because I didn't make it on my own and I don't want to breach the trust of my colleagues. Using Agency to increase engagement and differentiation in a digital classroom. We talked about the benefits that link back to Dr. Helen Street and Kath Murdoch's research about increased motivation and belonging. this wasn't something we had thought about until the day of presenting so it was nice to be able to so closely align with the key note speakers. We ...