
Showing posts from August, 2020

NOEII Symposium: Mindset matters

What is happening: Read: Educating Ruby (everybodies talking about it) Kath Murdoch's name comes up a lot- already read the book, yay! Thoughts to continue looking into: Where are the questions in my class? Am I asking questions? Am I modelling questioning effectively? As a school the journey is just beginning- must be patient in terms of culture shift.  I must slow down and understand the curriculum before I can use that knowledge to stretch my practice in AU with inquiry.  If my inquiry practice exceeds that of my environment but my school exceeds me in heaps of other areas, how do I puch for change but also learn at the same time?Is being patient important here. Must I let my values relax for a while, while I learn?  I have no room to wriggle in terms of lesson design (do I ) but am I even ready to wriggle? If we plan as a team 1 week ahead we are still collaborative but also we have time to shift our own work to be closer to what the students wonder.  I have lost...