
Showing posts from September, 2019

Science Pd with Susan Sandretto

Had originally thought I knew how to elicite discussions but not all of my students can describe prior expereinces, or why they something. I need to ensure they know their experience from OUTSIDE of school is valuable for their learning. Look at the Inquiry project Elicitation of Ideas  to look at the steps we want to work on. When we come along information that they don't have- we can say --> If a scienitist was here they would tell us.... Then adjust our ideas. Seeing the difference between the beginning and end of a lesson vs unit. Was interesting to see NS: -Ensure we have annotated our plan so that it is visible that it is a work in progress. -make sure I am meeting my learning intention for science. -reflections at the end of my lessons- frame my lessons using this (page 111 of CLASSROOM TALK: Understanding dialogue, pedagogy and practice) -not be so worried about students eliciting their responses during the activating prior knowledge stage, this is perha...


Mana Atua Matrix Our matrix is effective in that it is referred to often in lessons and changed at least once a week to ensure we are keeping up with the abilities of the students. The matrix is moveable so that we can have it in different places around the room when needed. This means the different lessons/ conversations don't always need to be in the same place, and I can move them around the room, depending on what the students are doing where. Making it more flexible. Classroom environment Ruma Wha is designed with flexible spaces in mind, so the students are able to hide away from noise, work independently (without anyone able to disturb you), work collaboratively, outside, in the shade, in the sun.... basically, how ever they please. The desks help them to ensure they have their own space. A place they can leave their belongings and no one else can touch it. The walls are very helpful for the students to refer to activities and learning we have done previously. ...