
Showing posts from January, 2019

Peer Feedback as a Classroom tool

Here is my Literature Review: Implications of Peer Feedback Information gathered through a recent survey revealed whanau want; more homework for students, easier communication between school and home about day to day learning, as well as more visible learning intentions and artefacts. The main concern for our community leaders (principals, head teachers and facilitators of the Manaiakalani program) is raising achievement across all curriculum areas. Our staff indicated that improved quality of work over time needed to be addressed also. The Manaaiakalani program assists our community in facilitating 1:1 chromebooks in the senior school. In order to meet these needs I propose looking into using peer feedback on blogs to increase writing achievement. Personally,  writing has historically been the hardest thing to teach and starting here will help boost achievement the most, then we will be able to take these reviewing skills across the curric...

Kaupapa Māori Research

Retrieved from: What relevance does the topic of interest have to your Māori students? Have you taken into account the ways your students think, understand, interact and interpret the topic of interest? How would you know? The intervention principles in the context of my research.  Tino Rangatiratanga I believe students need to have meaningful control over what they are doing.  Cultural well-being amongst my students will come in the form of choice of collaboration. Traditional ideals of learning and achievement of Kaupapa Maori are that the achievements of the group are shared by all. If they choose to collaborate in their work, they will all benefit. It cannot be meaningful control though if I just throw them all in the deep end to begin with. I must be able to slowly help them be comfortable with the idea of having everone in the class critique theri work. This will be a challenge. Taonga tuku iho  My stu...

Week #17 Research and Community Informed Practice

SCAN:  Make sure my topic is relevant and of particular interest to me. 📗 Reading: Spiral Playbook--> L Kaser and Judy Halbert Who else can be in my inquiry network? Are we all working on it? Just digital teachers? Karli involved? She can at least look at my research. KEY IDEAS To ask the learners when going through all of the steps of the spiral. What is going on for my learners? How do i know? Why does it matter? 📗 NOTES WK 17: Make sure I add all my notes to blogger. Scannign and checking: What evidence will I look for at the end that the students are benifitting from this process? What will my measurable difference be? Think about it now so you can get a baseline. Measurable outcomes:  -able to check others work against the Sc. -give specific feedback to each other -use feedback to improve and compare -seek feedback from other students -accelerated grades in writing. HOW TO SCAN: -conversations -observations -surveys -portfolios Record t...