
Showing posts from December, 2018

Science Pd (meeting) with Susan Heeps

Nothing happens without bringing together different knowledge. Show the kids stuff and help them understand that so many different. The whole is more than the sum of their parts, if they can see all the pieces that come together,  show them how these things are all brought together in everyday things. Notice Think and Wonder. Once you have done it- what can you do with it? Transfer the things that you NT & W'd and put it into your own thing. Make sure these things all link together so that the students are getting these things little and often. Talk about things- ask the students can they link to the big ideas. We need to link back to something you did before- make sure you can refer back to their schema.

Science PLD Term 4

FOCUS: My focus this term has been to create meaningful learning opportunities that result in focused science learning.  My inquiry was focused on:  planning and carrying out investigations, analysing and interpreting data & obtaining, evaluating and communicating information.  The focus was here as I identified this as a weak spot in my students ability to do this independently. I limited myself to 3 aspects as I wanted to focus harder and not do many things to a limited degree. MY HUNCH: I suspected they were unable to do these things as they had not had enough exposure to collecting and reading data that had any meaning to them.  They have experience reading graphs through maths but communicating ideas and deciding how to collate the data. The students have only ever looked at collecting information like this around maths, I need to come at this with a scientific lens. TAKING ACTION: To test my hunch we did a quick investigation about muscle fatigue...