Mind Lab Flipped homework Week 2

DIGITAL 20 C vs 21 C Do we need the hangover from the industrial era? Reflection on the difference between: They needs differ because we can't see the future. Technology changes so quickly that we need to give the students the skills to find their own information. We are wasting time by not collaborating- these skills will save us time. We need some of each of the skills. Being on time- a 20h century skill, is necessary. Knowing how to listen and remember- great skills. But not recall facts. you now need to be able to find the information. To identify what is needed and what can be discarded. We need to be able to build new nueral pathways- we do need some of both, but not all. Control needs to let go. We need the broad understandings of the subject- not the formulas that make those up. We need to be able to work out how to find things- understand hwo to problem solve, read the problems, find the issues that need to be solved- before they are prob...