
Showing posts from February, 2018

Science PD 2. Observation of Susan Heeps in Room 3

Susan took a lesson in my class, demonstrating an effective Science lesson.  The things I noticed were: -she introduced all knew CONCEPTS by relating them to her life or things students would understand. REALLY using their prior knowledge as the first port of call. Not talking about something and then relating it.  So they already had the building blocks assembled ready to go.  She explained every single new piece of vocab - using the same method of breaking up words that we are doing (yay!). Used the " I notice, I think, I wonder "  model, which will become the "I predict, observe explain.." when it gets more sophisticated. This is also the SC so it becomes how we measure our success everytime. It is also good for students because you can't predict without experience.  -she is messy , which is great. I am very clean- that's my way, but perhaps I put too much emphasis on staying clean sometimes. I have habits from before, but I need to rememb...

Science PD

This year we are focusing on Science through out the curriculum for our school wide PD. We will be having sessions with Susan Heeps. Our first session was an introduction to what we will obviously cover through the year and what STEM learning is. STEM learning is Science, Technology, engineering and Maths. Science consists of the natural and physical, Technology will be the tools used to do the science Engineering is all about the made world Science is more a way of being than a field of study on it's own. It is to be self analytical and constantly aware of your own bias. We use our 5 senses for science and we are observers.  When doing any activity it is a good idea to ask ourselves: what do you notice? SEE, HEAR, SMELL, TASTE??, FEEL Finding vocab is useful and should be the focus of the exercise- not just for writing.  This is science vocab that can be recorded. ACTIVITY 1: ICE ICE BABY The Ice challenge was fun, and it generated lots of vocab because i...