
Showing posts from August, 2019

Dialogic Teaching Pedagogy

Current Understanding or Dialogic Teaching: -giving students opportunities to use structured talk -ensuring students have the skills to discuss their own ideas -helping them to understand each others ideas and build on them -use talk moves -eliminate the hands up/ teacher-response-teacher scenario (IRE) --> -helps students engage with the content fully, engage with each other, engage with their own ideas, be more metacognitive -if it is not taught, they will be in a sea of useless discussion perhaps? -helps the teacher draw out misunderstandings, and students build schema, engage with prior knowledge "The person doing the talking, does the learning" Video on productive talk... clarififction of understanding of ideas, (I don't understand- please explain...)  referring to the data, using accountable talk starters, Teacher didn't rephrase, why do they agree?, not just I have the same idea- add to it. "Can I add to that, isn't a new idea, it...

Student Agency in Goal setting

My current improvement goal as a professional has been to assist students better determine their own goals. So far this year we have discussed goals and a few things I had seen as a fail. We made some goal cards, one for reading/writing and maths. Setting our goals at the start of the year and aligning them with things from the Ao's and progressions.   With 3 different types of goals and using the LLI's, then translating to the Asttle marks. It was all a little bit complicated.  I have been thinking about how to better integrate the whole process and make it simpler. Turns out I was already on the right track. As the students are aware that they need to have goals now and we are always discussing next steps- when I asked them (without any prompting or warning that this would be a question) whether they had a literacy or a maths goal. 13 out of 15 could articulate both a literacy and a maths goal that they thought was appropriate for them. The maths goal for all was tim...