Discussion Based Lessons for Diverse Learners
-use a visual timer Accountable Talk - make them use evidence to justify. -Leave a card at the table to remind them to use evidence (This encourages the others to ask questions for evidence and to listen to each other). -why do we want them to do this- helping them to see evidence means they can see the reason why we do this. *card to model very useful *student was asking the student instead of teacher- creates deeper discussion and control with students Grouping -mixed ability is better -more high achievers means that everyone does worse -change the groups as often as possible -group many different ways -organsie the classroom to account for mixed grouping (MLE) Remember the organising serves the purpose, not the other way around Managing Time -use a visual timer -students at 8 years has the same time monitoring patterns as a grown up Managing Linguistic Diversity -stepping outside comfort zone is important for teachers -why do we make them do ...